Restorative Dentistry
Chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge KAM HEPDENİZ
Academic Staff Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orhan AKPINAR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge KAM HEPDENİZ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Günseli KATIRCI Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhittin UĞURLU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur Burak TEMEL
Communication (0 246) 211 8882 |
HISTORY The Department of Restorative Dentistry was established in 1995.
LOCATION and CAPACITY Our department has two separate clinics, a doctor's and a student's clinic.
RESEARCH ASSISTANT TRAINING PROCESS There are doctorate and dentistry specialization programs in our department. Research assistants studying in the doctoral program receive 4±2 years of education, and research assistants studying in the specialty program in dentistry receive a 3-year education. During the training period of the specialization program, a rotation is made in the periodontology department for 1 month.
DEPARTMENT OF STUDY AREAS Composite fillings Amalgam fillings Capping treatment Laminate veneer restorations Inlay fillings
TREATMENTS PERFORMED IN THE DEPARTMENT AND QUESTIONS THAT MAY BE ASKED COMPOSITE FILLINGS Composite filling is a tooth-colored composite resin application to repair a decayed, cracked or discolored tooth. Composite fillings can also be used to close spaces between teeth, make teeth appear longer, or change the shape or color of teeth. The bonding of the composite filling material to the tooth tissue is achieved with adhesive materials (bonding). Expectations from the Treatment: Stopping the progression of the caries, relieving the pain if it is present, preserving the vitality of the tooth and maintaining the chewing function, the restoration being aesthetically compatible with the natural teeth.
AMALGAM FILLINGS Amalgam is obtained by mixing silver, tin and copper alloy with mercury. Mercury, which makes up 45-50% of the mixture, binds metals together and creates a durable filling material. Amalgam fillings, which have been developed and used for 150 years, have served to protect many teeth and keep them in the mouth. Expectations from Treatment: Stopping the progression of caries, relieving pain if present, preserving the vitality of the tooth and maintaining the chewing function.
LAMINATE VENEER RESTORATIONS Laminate veneers are the most preferred treatment method in recent years to design a smile and to give patients a perfect smile. With this treatment method, it is possible to remove the gap between the teeth, discoloration, abrasion, fracture and even crowding. In our clinic, this application can be performed directly at the patient's head with composite restoration material or indirectly with composite or porcelain material by taking measurements and sending them to the laboratory.
INLAY FILLERS These types of fillings are generally preferred in posterior teeth and are more resistant to chewing forces. It is preferred in cases where amalgam or composite restoration cannot be performed in teeth where material loss is too much. Composite or porcelain material can be preferred in inlay filling construction. Expectations from Treatment: Continuation of chewing function without tooth cutting in teeth with excessive substance loss.
CAPPING TREATMENT After the removal of the decayed and weakened parts of the tooth, capping treatment can be applied to your tooth according to the condition of the remaining tooth tissue (the proximity of the tooth to the nerve). In the treatment of capping, a special filling material is placed on the tooth after the caries is cleaned. Direct Capping Treatment: If the tooth filling is done in the same session after the caries is cleaned, this treatment is called direct capping treatment. Indirect Capping Treatment: If the permanent tooth filling is not done in the same session after the caries is cleaned, and if the permanent filling of the tooth is made within a maximum of 12 weeks, within the period deemed appropriate by the physician, this treatment is called indirect capping treatment. Expectations from the Treatment: To stop the progression of the caries, to relieve the pain if it is present, to preserve the vitality of the tooth and to continue the chewing function.
VITAL WHITENING By applying a whitening agent to the teeth that have changed their normal color for any reason, the patient's aesthetic expectations are tried to be met by ensuring that the teeth become whiter and normal.
DEVITAL WHITENING In teeth that have undergone root canal treatment and changed their color, that are abnormally colored for any reason, or that do not satisfy the patient aesthetically, after root canal treatment, a whitening agent is placed on the coronal part of the tooth and renewed at intervals of one week, and the sessions continue until the desired color is achieved. During the treatment, temporary filling is applied to the patient. When the treatment is finished, the teeth are permanently restored.
DENTAL SENSITIVITY TREATMENT Tooth sensitivity is a general term for dentin sensitivity or root sensitivity. If hot, cold, sweet or very acidic beverages and foods, or breathing in cold weather cause tooth sensitivity or pain, this indicates that your tooth or teeth are sensitive. Recommended Treatment: By applying a desensitizing agent to the areas where the patient complains of sensitivity, the areas causing sensitivity are covered. A single session of desensitizing agent application may not help the patient's complaints to go away immediately, so the treatment should be applied in several sessions. The patient should change the toothpaste and use a high fluoride desensitizing paste.
What should be considered after composite filling? If anesthesia has been given, food should be eaten after the effect of the anesthesia wears off. If anaesthesia has not been given, food can be eaten after treatment. Oral hygiene should be given importance, otherwise, recurrent caries may develop under the composite filling over time and may result in the failure of the filling. If the filling breaks or falls off, the patient should apply to the clinic again.
What are the risks that can be encountered after composite filling? In some cases, a temporary sensitivity may develop after treatment. Sensitivity may take 1-2 weeks or even longer depending on the condition of the tooth. In the presence of ongoing pain after this period, the patient can apply to the clinic again. Depending on the use of tea, coffee, and cigarettes, discoloration may occur over time, these discolorations can be removed by dental polishing (polishing) performed by the dentist.
Is mercury in amalgam filling harmful? The mercury in amalgam filling does not have a harmful effect on human health. When mercury combines with other metals, its chemical structure changes and becomes harmless. It is also supported by scientific research that mercury combined with other metals in amalgam is not associated with systemic diseases and does not have any harmful effects on human health.
What should be considered after amalgam filling is done? Patients are advised not to chew for at least two hours in the area where amalgam restoration is made in the jaw and to use it more carefully in the following 24 hours. After 24 hours, the patient is given a second appointment for the polishing process. This application will provide the opportunity to improve the metallic properties of amalgam and to review the anatomical and functional restoration after use. If the filling breaks or falls, the patient should apply to the clinic again.
What are the risks that can be encountered after amalgam filling? There may be a short-term hot-cold sensitivity after amalgam fillings and this disappears over time. However, although it is rare, some people may have sensitivities arising from the reaction between two metals when various metals are present in the mouth or when another metal such as a fork enters. In case of unresolved sensitivities, the restoration can be replaced with a non-metallic filler after making sure that the sensitivity is for this reason alone. In individuals with poor oral hygiene, recurrent caries may develop under the amalgam filling and may result in the failure of the filling.
What should be considered after laminate veneer restoration? The patient should pay attention to oral care. He should follow his doctor's advice. He should pay attention to regular tooth brushing and must use dental floss. It should not be fed with hard foods.
What are the risks that may be encountered after laminate veneer restoration? If the patient does not pay attention to oral hygiene after the restoration, there may be a color change in the restoration. While the patient eats hard foods, fractures may occur in the restoration.
What are the risks that can be encountered during inlay restoration? After the teeth are prepared, the filling is prepared in the laboratory and attached by your doctor. It usually takes 2 sessions, but in some cases the number of sessions may increase.
What are the things to be considered after the hair removal treatment? After the anesthetic effect (drowsiness) wears off, the food can be eaten. There may be tingling and tenderness in the cold for a week. If the temporary filling breaks and falls off, the patient should reapply to the clinic.
What are the risks that can be encountered after capping treatment? This treatment may not always be successful due to the regeneration (repair) ability of the tooth and the patient's oral care. If a severe and continuous pain occurs in the tooth during this period and the tooth can be restored, root canal treatment is performed. Otherwise, surgical treatment is planned.
What should be considered after vital whitening? Sensitivity complaints may continue for a short time after the treatment, while the patient should pay attention to the recommendations of his doctor. Oral care should be taken care of. If the patient consumes coloring foods such as cigarettes, tea, coffee after the treatment, there may be a return in the color of the teeth that improves after the treatment.
What are the risks that may be encountered during or after vital whitening treatment? If the discoloration of the tooth is very severe, a very late response to the treatment or no response may be obtained. During the treatment, the patient may have complaints of sensitivity. As a result of the contact of the agent with the soft tissues during the treatment, pain and tenderness in the tissues and temporary discoloration may occur. What should be considered after devital whitening? The teeth are permanently restored 15 days after the end of the treatment. The patient should pay attention to oral care. He should follow his doctor's advice.
What are the risks that may be encountered during or after devital whitening treatment? If the discoloration of the tooth is very severe, a very late response to the treatment may be obtained. Pathologies such as cervical resorption may occur in the treated teeth, in this case the necessary treatment is applied.
What should be considered after sensitivity treatment? After the desensitizing agent is applied to the patient, the patient should not eat or drink anything for half an hour, pay attention to oral care and follow the doctor's recommendations.
Informed Consent Forms Bleaching Informed Consent Form Diastema Closure Informed Consent Form Local Anesthesia Informed Consent Form Pulp Capping Informed Consent Form Tooth Restoration Informed Consent Form